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Migration Guide (SDK1 → SDK2)

  1. Download and Import Unitypackages
  2. Convert your TactFile to Events
  3. Prefab Replace and delete unnecessary files



This guide is based on the assumption that bHaptics SDK1(old) is applied.

You need an empty haptic application in the Portal. If you don't have one, please visit Portal first and make the empty haptic app.

Download and Import Unitypackages

  1. Download SDK2 and Migration package, and Import both.

  2. Import SDK2 UnityPackage file and Open bHaptics > Developer Window.

  3. Open bHaptics > Developer Window and Enter your App ID and API Key.


    You can press Forgot your App ID & API Key? to retrieve your information. You can also Copy ID from bHaptics developer portal.


Convert your TactFile to Events

  1. Press bHaptics > [Migration] Export HapticClips... to export the HapticClips you are using.

    • The selected haptic file must not have a duplicate name.
    • The name should be changed, and the following functions are provided for convenience.
      • Add Postfix: Add a specific string after the file name. ex) BulletHaptic → BulletHaptic_Vest
      • Add Prefix: Add a specific string before the file name. ex) ShootPistol → Arms_ShootPistol
    • Press bHaptics > [Migration] Export HapticClips…

    • Changing duplicate names

    • Export HapticClips

  2. Create haptic events with exported files

    1. Go into your app in Developer Portal
    2. Press the Import tact folder button in the upper right corner
    3. Select exported folders
    4. Press Confirm and Save

Replace Prefab and Delete Unnecessary Files

  1. Replace bHaptics Prefab with a new one.

  2. Delete .aar files in Bhaptics/SDK/Plugins/Android. These files are replaced by new files in SDK2.


    File delete list in SDK folder(Not SDK2 folder)

    • bhaptics_ble
    • bhaptics_commons
    • bhaptics_core
    • bhaptics_manager
    • bhaptics_unity_bridge