Defines the type of device and is used in a function that determines which device to play.
enum class EBhapticsDevicePosition : uint8
Vest = 0,
ForearmL = 1,
ForearmR = 2,
Head = 3,
HandL = 4,
HandR = 5,
FootL = 6,
FootR = 7,
GloveL = 8,
GloveR = 9
Determines whether the waveform of the glove will be played directly for a duration specified in milliseconds. It is used as a parameter in the PlayWaveform
enum class EBhapticsGlovePlayTime : uint8
None = 0, // 0ms
FiveMS = 1, // 5ms
TenMS = 2, // 10ms
TwentyMS = 4, // 20ms
ThirtyMS = 6, // 30ms
FortyMS = 8 // 40ms
Used to select the waveform when playing the glove's waveform directly.
- Constant: Vibrates continuously at the intensity specified by the motor intensity.
- Decreasing: Starts vibrating at the intensity value and linearly decreases to half of the intensity value when ending.
- Increasing: Starts vibrating at half of the intensity value and linearly increases to the intensity value when ending.
enum class EBhapticsGloveShapeValue : uint8
Constant = 0,
Decreasing = 1,
Increasing = 2