Class UBhapticsSDK2
Inherits from UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
Class UBhapticsSDK2
contains the functions for using haptic devices from bHaptics.
Module | BhapticsPlugin |
Header | Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\BhapticsPlugin\Source\BhapticsPlugin\Public\BhapticsSDK2.h |
Include | #include "BhapticsSDK2.h" |
Static Functions — Play Event-driven Haptic
Play the haptic patterns bound to specific haptic event made from Designer/Portal. We highly recommend to use these functions.
static int PlayHaptic(FString eventId);
Play the haptic event. It is the most basic way to call a haptic event. It has the lowest overhead of any haptic event-calling function.
FString eventId
: Name of haptic event which you want to play.
Request ID. You can use the request ID to stop the haptic. It returns -1
if the return fails.
However, when connected to the Hub, failed calls do not return -1
because the Hub does not provide a return value.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Shoot()
// Assuming the event name is "shootpistol"
static int PlayHapticWithOption(FString eventId, float intensity = 1.0f, float duration = 1.0f, float angleX = 0.0f, float offsetY = 0.0f);
Play haptic event, with adjusting the strength, duration, and direction of the haptic.
FString eventId
: Name of haptic event which you want to play.float intensity
: The haptic intensity is multiplied by this value.float duration
: The haptic duration is multiplied by this value.float angleX
: Rotate haptic counterclockwise around the globalVector3.up
. Valid range is: [0.0f
]float offsetY
: Move haptic up or down. Valid range is: [-0.5f
Request ID. You can use the request ID to stop the haptic. It returns -1
if the return fails.
However, when connected to the Hub, failed calls do not return -1
because the Hub does not provide a return value.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Shoot()
"shootpistol", // Haptic name
1.0f, // Haptic intensity
1.0f, // Haptic duration
0.0f, // Rotate haptic around global Vector3.up (0f - 360f)
0.0f // Move haptic up or down (-0.5f - 0.5f)
static int PlayWithStartTime(FString eventId, int startMillis = 0, float intensity = 1.0f, float duration = 1.0f, float angleX = 0.0f, float offsetY = 0.0f);
Play haptic event, with adjusting the strength, duration, and direction of the haptic.
FString eventId
: Name of haptic event which you want to startMillis
: Windows/Android Only The delay in milliseconds before the haptic event starts playing. The haptic will begin after this time has elapsed.float intensity
: The haptic intensity is multiplied by this value.float duration
: The haptic duration is multiplied by this value.float angleX
: Rotate haptic counterclockwise around the globalVector3.up
. Valid range is: [0.0f
]float offsetY
: Move haptic up or down. Valid range is: [-0.5f
Request ID. You can use the request ID to stop the haptic. It returns -1
if the return fails.
However, when connected to the Hub, failed calls do not return -1
because the Hub does not provide a return value.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Shoot()
"shootpistol", // Haptic name
0, // Delay Time (millisecond)
1.0f, // Haptic intensity
1.0f, // Haptic duration
0.0f, // Rotate haptic around global Vector3.up (0f - 360f)
0.0f // Move haptic up or down (-0.5f - 0.5f)
static int PlayLoop(FString eventId, float intensity = 1.0f, float duration = 1.0f, float angleX = 0.0f, float offsetY = 0.0f, int interval = 200, int maxCount = 999999);
Play the haptic repeatedly. Additionally, like the function PlayHapticWithOption
, you can adjust the strength, duration, and direction of the haptic.
FString eventId
: Name of haptic event which you want to play.float intensity
: The haptic intensity is multiplied by this value.float duration
: The haptic duration is multiplied by this value.float angleX
: Rotate haptic counterclockwise around the globalVector3.up
. Valid range is: [0.0f
]float offsetY
: Move haptic up or down. Valid range is: [-0.5f
]int interval
: The time interval between loops, measured in maxCount
: The number of loops.
Request ID. You can use the request ID to stop the haptic. It returns -1
if the return fails.
However, when connected to the Hub, failed calls do not return -1
because the Hub does not provide a return value.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Shoot()
"shootpistol", // Haptic name
1.0f, // Haptic intensity
1.0f, // Haptic duration
0.0f, // Rotate haptic around global Vector3.up (0f - 360f)
0.0f, // Move haptic up or down (-0.5f - 0.5f)
200, // Loop interval time (millisecond)
999999 // Loop count
Static Functions — Play Haptic Directly
If you want to play haptics without creating a new event, use these functions.
static int PlayDot(int position, TArray<int> motorValues, float seconds = 0.5f);
Play haptic feedback on the specific haptic actuator. You can use this function without creating an event.
int position
: Type of haptic device. For more information, please refer here.Value Device Same as... Motors Count 0
TactSuit Pro EBhapticsDevicePosition::Vest
32 1
TactSleeve(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::ForearmL
3 2
TactSleeve(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::ForearmR
3 3
TactVisor EBhapticsDevicePosition::Head
4 4
Tactosy for Hands(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::HandL
6 5
Tactosy for Hands(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::HandR
6 6
Tactosy for Feet(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::FootL
6 7
Tactosy for Feet(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::FootR
6 8
TactGlove(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::GloveL
6 9
TactGlove(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::GloveR
6 TArray<int> motorValues
: Assign the length of the array by the number of motors for device. Values in the array means motors' intensity. Valid range for each value in the array is: [1
]float seconds
: The duration of haptic, measured in second. Greater than or equal to0.1f
is recommended.
Request ID. You can use the request ID to stop the haptic. It returns -1
if the return fails.
However, when connected to the Hub, failed calls do not return -1
because the Hub does not provide a return value.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Shoot()
// TactSuit has 40 motors, so length of array should be 40 too.
TArray<int> MotorValueArray = TArray<int>{
50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 50, 40, 30,
50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 50, 40, 30,
50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 50, 40, 30,
50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 50, 40, 30};
(int)EBhapticsDevicePosition::Vest, // Device type
MotorValueArray, // Haptic intensities
0.5f // Haptic duration (millisecond)
static int PlayPath(int position, TArray<float> x, TArray<float> y, TArray<int> motorValues, float seconds = 0.5);
Play haptic around specific coordinates. Unlike PlayDot
function, which specifies the haptic intensity for each haptic actuator individually, this method specify the haptic intensity for particular coordinates.
When specifying haptic position, PlayMotors offers discrete control, while PlayPath is more continuous. PlayMotors assigns intensity to individual actuators, whereas PlayPath assigns intensity for specific coordinates (between 0 and 1 for both X and Y axis), causing nearby actuators to vibrate accordingly.
You can put multiple coordinates with multiple intensities in the array. Note that all actuators around these coordinates in the array will activate simultaneously (at the same time), not sequentially. Moreover, the size of all arrays must be the same.
By continuously calling this function while gradually changing the values, you can achieve the effect of a moving haptic point.
int position
: Type of haptic device.Value Device Same as... 0
TactSuit EBhapticsDevicePosition::Vest
TactSleeve(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::ForearmL
TactSleeve(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::ForearmR
TactVisor EBhapticsDevicePosition::Head
Tactosy for Hands(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::HandL
Tactosy for Hands(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::HandR
Tactosy for Feet(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::FootL
Tactosy for Feet(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::FootR
TactGlove(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::GloveL
TactGlove(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::GloveR
TArray<float> x
: Assign X coordinate. Valid range for each value in the array is: [0.0f
]TArray<float> y
: Assign Y coordinate. Valid range for each value in the array is: [0.0f
]TArray<int> motorValues
: Assign the length of the array by the number of coordinate. Values in the array means coordinates' intensity. Valid range for each value in the array is: [1
]float seconds
: The duration of haptic, measured in second. Greater than or equal to0.1f
is recommended.
Request ID. You can use the request ID to stop the haptic. It returns -1
if the return fails.
However, when connected to the Hub, failed calls do not return -1
because the Hub does not provide a return value.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
/* Assumption:
- For TactSuit
- Coordinate with Intensity
- (X: 0.1, Y: 0.2) Intensity 40
- (X: 0.3, Y: 0.4) Intensity 80
- (X: 0.5, Y: 0.6) Intensity 10
- Duration 0.5 second
void AExample::Shoot()
(int)EBhapticsDevicePosition::Vest, // Device Type
TArray<float>{0.1f, 0.3f, 0.5f}, // X Coordinates
TArray<float>{0.2f, 0.4f, 0.6f}, // Y Coordinates
TArray<int>{40, 80, 10}, // Intensities
0.5f // Duration
static int PlayWaveform(int position, TArray<int> motorIntensities, TArray<EBhapticsGlovePlayTime> playTimeValues, TArray<EBhapticsGloveShapeValue> shapeValues);
TactGlove Only. Play haptics in TactGlove. Unlike using PlayDot
, you can finely adjust haptic duration and vibration intensity changes. This allows for even finer expression of haptic feedback.
Each array must have six elements, and at least one element is required to work.
int position
: Type of haptic device.Value Device Same as… 8
TactGlove(Left) EBhapticsDevicePosition::GloveL
TactGlove(Right) EBhapticsDevicePosition::GloveR
TArray<int> motorIntensities
: An array consisting of six elements, each representing the intensity of a motor. The array must have a length of six, as there are six motors in one TactGlove. Valid range for each value in the array is: [1
]Array Index Motor is positioned at… 0
Tip of the thumb 1
Tip of the index finger 2
Tip of the middle finger 3
Tip of the ring finger 4
Tip of the little finger 5
On the wrist -
TArray<EBhapticsGlovePlayTime> playTimeValues
: An array consisting of six elements, each representing a time interval for actuation, with time defined usingEBhapticsGlovePlayTime
enums.Value Duration Same as… EBhapticsGlovePlayTime::None
None 0
5ms 1
10ms 2
20ms 4
30ms 6
40ms 8
TArray<EBhapticsGloveShapeValue> shapeValues
: An array consisting of six elements, each representing the forms of haptic intensity changes over time, specified by theEBhapticsGloveShapeValue
enums.Value Waveform Same as… EBhapticsGloveShapeValue::Constant
Constant intensity for the duration 0
Starts at the specified intensity and decreases by half 1
Starts at half of the specified intensity and increases to the specified one. 2
Request ID. You can use the request ID to stop the haptic. It returns -1
if the return fails.
However, when connected to the Hub, failed calls do not return -1
because the Hub does not provide a return value.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Shoot()
TArray<int> GloveMotorValue = TArray<int>{50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50};
TArray<EBhapticsGlovePlayTime> GlovePlayTime = {
EBhapticsGlovePlayTime::FiveMS, EBhapticsGlovePlayTime::TenMS,
EBhapticsGlovePlayTime::TwentyMS, EBhapticsGlovePlayTime::ThirtyMS,
EBhapticsGlovePlayTime::FortyMS, EBhapticsGlovePlayTime::None};
TArray<EBhapticsGloveShapeValue> GloveShapeValue = {
EBhapticsGloveShapeValue::Constant, EBhapticsGloveShapeValue::Decreasing,
EBhapticsGloveShapeValue::Increasing, EBhapticsGloveShapeValue::Constant,
EBhapticsGloveShapeValue::Decreasing, EBhapticsGloveShapeValue::Increasing};
(int)EBhapticsDevicePosition::GloveL, // Device Type
GloveMotorValue, // Intensities
GlovePlayTime, // Intervals
GloveShapeValue // Intensity changing forms
Static Functions — Others
static bool StopHapticByEventId(FString eventId);
Stop the haptic event by Event ID. Returns whether the stop was successful.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Example()
static bool StopHapticByRequestId(int requestId);
Stop the Haptic Event by using the Request ID from the return of the function that executes the haptic. Returns whether the stop was successful.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Example()
int RequestID = UBhapticsSDK2::PlayHaptic("eventID");
static bool StopHaptic();
Stops all haptic currently playing. Returns whether the stop was successful.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Example()
static bool IsPlaying();
Check if the haptic is playing.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Example()
if (UBhapticsSDK2::IsPlaying())
static bool IsPlayingByEventId(FString eventId);
Check if the haptic event for this Event ID is playing.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Example()
if (UBhapticsSDK2::IsPlayingByEventId("eventID"))
static bool IsPlayingByRequestId(int requestId);
Check if the haptic event for this Request ID is playing.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::Example()
int RequestID = UBhapticsSDK2::PlayHaptic("eventID");
if (UBhapticsSDK2::IsPlayingByRequestId(RequestID))
static void Initialize();
Initialize the haptic environment. This function should be called before using the haptic-related functions.
static void Ping(FBhapticsDevice device);
Send simple haptic feedback to certain device.
static void PingAll();
Send simple haptic feedback to all connected devices.
static void Destroy();
Destroy the haptic environment. This function must be called when game ends, and called ONLY ONCE.
static TArray<FBhapticsDevice> GetBhapticsDevices();
Get an array of connected haptic devices' info.
static bool IsBhapticsAvailable();
Check if the haptic environment is initialized, and ready to use haptic-related functions.
static FBhapticsRotationOption ProjectToVest(
FVector ContactLocation,
UPrimitiveComponent* PlayerComponent,
float HalfHeight = 0
Helper function to compute the offset values (angle and height) of a given collision contact point from the player. These offset values can be used in PlayHapticWithOption
and PlayLoop
which can adjust the haptic position.
This function assumes that the forward direction aligns with the front of the vest, and the player's position is considered as the origin.
Check out the example below for detailed information.
FVector ContactLocation
: Contact point in global coordinates.UPrimitiveComponent* PlayerComponent
: Reference to the primitive component attached to the player.float HalfHeight
: The half value of the player's actual height, measured in centimeter.
Let's assume implementing haptic when getting shot in a VR game. The corresponding haptic pattern for this event would be a short and strong haptic feedback at the center front of the TactSuit. To enhance realism, varying the height and angle of the haptic feedback based on where the player is shot would be ideal.
The PlayHapticWithOption
and PlayLoop
functions allow for adjusting the height and angle of the haptic pattern. These functions take angle(OffsetAngleX
) and height(OffsetY
) values for haptic adjustment.
The ProjectToVest
function calculates the angle and height values based on where the player is shot, the player's transform information, and the user's height. These values are then encapsulated in the FBhapticsRotationOption
structure and returned.
#include "BhapticsSDK2.h"
void AExample::HitByBullet()
APawn *PlayerPawn = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerPawn(GetWorld(), 0);
UPrimitiveComponent *PlayerComponent = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(PlayerPawn->GetRootComponent());
FVector ContactLocation = USomewhere::GetContactLocationSomehow();
float HalfHeight = YourActualHeight / 2;
FBhapticsRotationOption result = UBhapticsSDK2::ProjectToVest(ContactLocation, PlayerComponent, HalfHeight);
UBhapticsSDK2::PlayHapticWithOption("hit_by_bullet", 1.0f, 1.0f, result.OffsetAngleX, result.OffsetY);
static FBhapticsRotationOption ProjectToVestLocation(FVector ContactLocation, FVector PlayerLocation, FRotator PlayerRotation);
Helper function to compute offset values from a contact location and player transform information. It's similar to ProjectToVest
, but it only calculates the angle offset(OffsetAngleX
). The height(OffsetY
) will always be 0.
FVector ContactLocation
: Contact point in global coordinates.FVector PlayerLocation
: Location of the player.FRotator PlayerRotation
: Rotation of the player.
static FBhapticsRotationOption CustomProjectToVest(FVector ContactLocation, UPrimitiveComponent* PlayerComponent, float HalfHeight = 0, FVector UpVector = FVector::ZeroVector, FVector ForwardVector = FVector::ZeroVector);
Helper function to compute offset values from collision. Performs the same function as ProjectToVest
, but allows the Forward and Up vectors to be changed.
FVector ContactLocation
: Contact point in global coordinates.UPrimitiveComponent* PlayerComponent
: Reference to the primitive component attached to the player.float HalfHeight
: The half value of the player's actual height, measured in centimeter.FVector UpVector
: The reference upward direction vector for offset calculation.FVector ForwardVector
: The reference forward direction vector for offset calculation.