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Defines the type of device and is used in a function that determines which device to play.

public enum PositionType
Vest = 0,
ForearmL = 1,
ForearmR = 2,
Head = 3,
HandL = 4,
HandR = 5,
FootL = 6,
FootR = 7,
GloveL = 8,
GloveR = 9


Determines whether the waveform of the glove will be played directly for a duration specified in milliseconds. It is used as a parameter in the PlayWaveform function.

public enum GlovePlayTime
None = 0, // 0ms
FiveMS = 1, // 5ms
TenMS = 2, // 10ms
TwentyMS = 4, // 20ms
ThirtyMS = 6, // 30ms
FortyMS = 8 // 40ms


Used to select the waveform when playing the glove's waveform directly.

  • Constant: Vibrates continuously at the intensity specified by the motor intensity.
  • Decreasing: Starts vibrating at the intensity value and linearly decreases to half of the intensity value when ending.
  • Increasing: Starts vibrating at half of the intensity value and linearly increases to the intensity value when ending.
public enum GloveShapeValue
Constant = 0,
Decreasing = 1,
Increasing = 2

(Class) BhapticsEvent

When linking the project to the haptic app, this class is automatically generated. The name of each event becomes the variable name, allowing convenient usage without the need to memorize each event's name.

public class BhapticsEvent
public const string RECOILSTRONG_RIGHT = "recoilstrong_right";
public const string TAKEWAISTSLOT_LEFT = "takewaistslot_left";
// and all events that you generated at Portal...


When using Physics Glove SDK, this mode determines how collisions are computed.

public enum HapticMode
Mode1 = 0, // Master, Slave mode.
Mode2 = 1, // No Master, Slave, No relative velocity.
Mode3 = 2, // No Master, Slave, No relative velocity, No decay over time.
Mode4 = 3 // No Master, Slave, No relative velocity, No decay over time, No collision.